Learner Course

Learner Driver Syllabus

This learner driver syllabus (recommended by the DVSA) is only a guide to the types of subjects a learner driver should cover on the road to becoming a confident, competent and safe driver. There are no hard or fast rules to how many lessons a pupil may require as everyone learns at a different rate. This forms the basic structure to develop the core skills needed to reach the required level to attempt a driving test.

Throughout the training syllabus a pupil will receive as much help as necessary with the theory part of their training, which will include access to books, c/d’s and dvd’s. At Safe 4 Life we can also do classroom based training at our office to help with the theory test.

The Syllabus.

  • Meet and greet, check licence details, eyesight check. Instructor’s demo drive to quieter location, cockpit drill/controls, steering, moving away and stopping. Issue pupil with progress and appointment card, terms of business etc.
  • Short drive to quite location Continued: moving away/normal stops, introduce MSM routine, use of gears 1-2, 2-1. Instructor usually drives back.
  • Short drive to location, moving away/normal stops, gears 1-2-3, 3-2-1 etc, Intro: Hill starts up/down, angle starts, clutch control (controlling the bite), MSM, general road position.
  • Continue practice of previous, Intro: approaching to turn left/right from major to minor roads using MSPSL Routine.
  • Continued practice of previous, Intro: Emerging, approaching to emerge from a minor road into a major road using the look, assess, decide, act routine. Pupil to drive back if ready.
  • Pupil, if confident, to begin drive. Continual practice of all with coaching, help and guidance from the instructor, assessment to see if pupil is ready to move to next stage.
  • Turn in the road exercise. Drive to suitable location, full explanation and, if necessary, demo, practice.
  • Emergency stop, drive to suitable location, full explanation and practice.
  • Start with practice of turn in the road, introduce reversing left into a side street, start with straight reversing on flat then proceed to uphill/downhill and busier locations.
  • Introduce reversing to the right into a side street.
  • Reverse parking on the road (parallel parking).
  • Reverse parking in a car park (bay parking).
  • Intense practice of all manoeuvres
  • Assessment to see if pupil is ready to move to next stage.
  • At this stage theory test should be taken if not already done so.
  • Introduction to more open roads to develop awareness, anticipation skills and general planning.
  • Roundabouts. Full explanation, practice first on smaller roundabouts and build up to larger ones.
  • Crossroads. Full explanation, practice.
  • Pedestrian Crossings/ use of all signals inc: Arm signals
  • Progress. Speed for conditions on all roads Inc: all types of speed limits, In town built up areas and rural roads, country lanes etc.
  • Dual Carriageways and Lane Discipline.
  • Meeting Traffic, Clearance to stationary vehicles and awareness.
  • Overtaking, awareness, planning and anticipation skills.
  • Vehicle Checks. (Show me / tell me questions).
  • Independent driving (New part of the test to be introduced in October 2010), pupil to follow road signs to a location, pupil to follow instructions shown on a diagram or to follow a small number of verbal instructions.
  • Overall Assessment. If required standard is being consistently met the pupil will be advised to book their practical test.

This syllabus is only a guide and may be conducted by an instructor in a complete different order, usually to meet the needs of the pupil. Learning to drive is very individual and teaching skills need to be flexible.

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